After the success of the Club 2.0 in 2011 (Amsterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven) and smaller Club moments in 2012 en 2013, New Heroes were asked to create a Club 3.0 by Arts Centre VOORUIT in Ghent. Logistically, this version will be more simple than the Club 2.0, but the content remains the quest for: ‘What is fightclub today?’, ‘What do we stand for?’, ‘What are we fighting for?’.
The Club 3.0 is a performance in which the audience is involved in the quest for what we could/should/want to do in/for/against our current society. They can talk, listen, fight, watch and eventually choose, or not.
The Club 3.0 played at Vooruit in Ghent on 16-19 October 2013, and in Groningen at Jonge Harten Festival on 22-23 November 2013.
For more information contact us.