deTour design festival in Hong Kong, 24 Nov – 3 Dec 2023
The world renowned design studio Biobased Creations (NL) invites designers and producers from Hong Kong to join them in their sustainable exhibition installation, Craft by Nature.
Creators Pascal Leboucq and Lucas De Man of the award-winning The Growing Pavilion and The Exploded View Beyond Building were invited and are in discussion with the curators to potentially create this year’s international contribution at deTour festival in Hong Kong this November. For this special occasion, they came up with an amazing exhibit installation that showcases how the future of crafts is biobased, made from nature.
In their installation they will showcase building materials, furniture and textiles all made from nature.
They call upon Hong Kong based bio designers to join them.
Do you want to take part in this international collaboration between biodesign artists from Europe, South East Asia and Hong Kong? Let us know.
How to participate:
- Are you a designer or producer of biobased materials that can be used for construction?
- Or do you create furniture, tableware or garments by using nature based materials?
- Do you want to work with the team of Biobased Creations and be part of the deTour 2023?
Send in your motivation and portfolio before September 13th to and get selected.