
We are a social enterprise. We aim for social, ecological, artistic and economic sustainability in both our projects and in our organization. Profit flows back to the people and projects. Company New Heroes consists of 2 parts: Stichting Nieuwe Helden (New Heroes Foundation), focussing on perfomative and cultural projects, and our design studio Biobased Creations (International Creative Projects BV).

Stichting Nieuwe Helden

Stichting Nieuwe Helden creates multidisciplinary projects to fuel the practical ethical dialogue we need to have today to revalue what we think is valuable for a socially sustainable tomorrow.

Stichting Nieuwe Helden is organised according to the Supervisory-model. The board consists of Lucas De Man and Wouter Goedheer.

The organisation has been classified by the tax authorities as a General Benefit Institution and Cultural Institution (ANBI). The most recent reports and ANBI publication form (in Dutch) are published here (Dutch).

Biobased Creations / International Creative Projects BV

Design Studio Biobased Creations (sinds 2021) shares the mission of Stichting Nieuwe Helden to fuel the dialogue about possible futures, but starts form design and architectuur. The projects evolve around ecological issues such as sustainable building and biodiversity.

The company is a social enterprise. It is our intention to have the organisation legally classified as BV-m (social private company) as soon as this legislation is passed.